Covid-19 and martial arts

I can definitely say that 2020 has not started well. We've had weeks of rain and travel disruptions. For weeks we've seen how the Coronavirus has swept across China and now it has spread across the word. The threat to life is real. Whilst the virus did not originate from China, it was first made reported there. As a general note, not all Chinese people eat cats, dogs, bats and exotic wildlife. Bats are not commonly eaten in China and please don't assume all Chinese people are infected with the coronavirus. And nor are other Asians, so check our racism here.

Over the past few weeks, we have seen how the coronavirus has affected life in Italy and now it is affecting life across Europe, including the UK. Now borders are shut, and large gatherings are a not allowed. This week, our Prime Minister has advised that we should avoid non-essential journeys and contact. After training for months, I've found out that the London Open for Tai Chi has been postponed till next June. I have noticed on social media that many martial arts classes have been cancelled. This is for the good of all. Martial arts is very much a social thing with a lot of physical contact. Tai Chi form work generally doesn't need physical contact, but pushing hands and sparring, yes. Same goes for Judo, Muay Thai and Taekwondo The best way to avoid the coronavirus from spreading is to stay at home. To that end I have cancelled my classes until after Easter. I will review the situation then. My other classes at Kingdom in Penhurst is still running. Some instructors are teaching via video conferencing. There is potential there, but being there in person is always better. The current situation will hit the economy hard and not just in the UK. As martial arts instructors, we must put the welfare and the health of our students first.
Usually, at this time of the year, I would be concentrating on training and do nothing else. I might just compete in hand forms and three weapons, but it is hard work to get it right. My forms are always subject to changes and fine tuning. This spring and summer, oddly, I will have a lot of free time...
So what can we do. I would suggest you continue to do your Tai Chi and practice up to where you have got to in class. There is also qigong, which is good for boosting your immune system. It is still safe to take a stroll in the park, just make sure you keep your distance and avoid physical contact. Until they have found a vaccine and have the coronavirus under control, the restrictions will stay in place. Please be nice to other people. Sharing is caring, so don't hog the toilet paper, pasta, soap and wet wipes. One of the ways to combat this virus is by washing our hands and keeping clean. If others can't buy these items, then you're putting their health at risk.
Thank you for reading my blog and stay fit & healthy.