Recommended reading
I would recommend the following books to assist with your learning and practice. Please note that not all of these are for beginners. Students are encouraged to read but there is no expectation to do so. These books are either available in hardcopy or as ebooks.
Complete Tai Chi Chuan, Dan Docherty - Amazon
The Tai Chi Bible: The definitive guide to decoding the Tai Chi form, Dan Docherty - Amazon
The Qigong Bible, Katherine Allen - Amazon
Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing, Joe Lok - Website
Chinese Gung Fu: The Philosophical Art of Self Defence, Bruce Lee - Amazon
Chinese-English and English-Chinese Wushu Dictionary, Duan Ping and Zhang Shouzi
Taiji Yangsheng Chinese, Zhao Yanxia, Liu Dongqing & Mark Langweiler - Amazon
The Major Methods of Wudang Sword, Huang Yuan Xiou - Cypress Books
Tai Chi Sword Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form, Qigong, and Applications, Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming - Amazon
A Practical Guide to Test Cutting for Historical Swordsmanship, Scott M Rodell - Amazon
Chinese Swordsmanship: The Yang Family Taiji Jian Tradition, Scott M Rodell - Amazon
Essentials of the Fist - Ancient Martial Arts Training Principles, Jack Chen - Amazon
Secrets of the Samurai, Oscar Ratti & Adele Westbrook - Amazon
Budo Secrets: Teachings of the Martial Arts Masters, John Stevens - Amazon
Ancient Chinese Weapons: A Martial Artist's Guide: A Martial Arts, Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming - Amazon
The Way of the Warrior: Martial Arts and Fighting Styles from Around the World, Chris Crudelli - Amazon
Taoism: An Essential Guide, Eva Wong - Amazon
Being Taoist: Wisdom for Living a Balanced Life, Eva Wong - Amazon
Seven Taoist Masters: A Folk Novel of China, Eva Wong - Amazon
The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet, Benjamin Hoof - Amazon
Where to buy books?
The obvious place would be Amazon, but if you're happy with ebooks, you could also try Kindle or Apple Books. Sadly, we live in an age where physical bookshops are a becoming fewer in numbers. In my university days, I used to hang around the big London bookshops like Waterstones in Piccadilly and Borders along Oxford Street. In those days, you really did enjoy the luxury of choice. These days, the martial arts section of any bookshop probably won't have the books you need. Luckily, there are books on Chinese culture or martial arts, which have been translated into English. In Chinatown London, there is only one books shop, Guanghwa Bookshop. Guanghwa Bookshop has been around for nearly thirty years and is the goto place for Chinese books, gifts and art equipment. Whilst it isn't a large shop, I have found many gems in there. I recently found out that you can order online too. If you enjoy browsing books, why not pay them a visit?
Guanghwa Bookshop
112 Shaftesbury Ave
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