Disconnect to Reconnect

Life is stressful, whether it's family, friends or work. Modern life puts a huge strain on us and for a lot of people, there's a lot of pressure. The pandemic hasn't made things any easier for people. But life must go on. One concept to consider is disconnect to reconnect.

What I mean by disconnecting to reconnect is simple. Just try and get away from what is the cause of stress or aggravation. These factors don't go away, but you have to learn to adapt. Step away from things or people that make you unhappy. Why not stop wasting time and money, trying to keep up with the Joneses. Why waste time impressing people you don't like? Go out for a long walk in the park, go on a hike or go practise some Taiji or Qigong. Give yourself some time each day to do this. If you commute, why not use this time to relax? Do this for yourself and the only person who can help you, is you.
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