The London Open, 10/06/18

I have competed in Tai Chi competitions for the past seven years. It is something I like to do, because it gives me the motivation to train harder and to see my level of skill against my peers. There was no British Open this year, so I signed up for the London Open. A similar, but smaller event (though no less challenging). Medals are nice, but I see them as a reminder of how hard I train to earn them. There is no ego trip or obsession here with me. I don't need many and I can distance myself from the competition circuit from the arts I want to follow. I finished with a solitary gold medal, I'm grateful and I'm happy that I have something to bring home.
I spent some twelve months since the last competition working on my sword form. As luck has it, my sword fell on the ground and broke.

This is life and sometimes, investment in anything may not yield much, if at all. I once performed a spear routine and went well, until there was a spasm in my leg. That was a few points off and I ended up with a silver. However, failure or not getting the results you expected is not the end of the world. Hopefully, it will make you stronger and more determined.
The sword can be fixed, once I have the necessary parts and it will live another day.
Thanks for reading my blog.
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